Sell Your House Fast In Winston Salem
We Buy Houses In Greensboro, High Point, Winston Salem And Anywhere In North Carolina, As Is, And At Any Price. Check Out How Our Process Works. We’re Ready To Give You A Fair Offer For Your House.
Avoiding foreclosure? Facing divorce? Upgrading? Moving? Upside down in your mortgage? Liens? It doesn’t matter whether you live in it, you’re renting it out, it’s vacant, or not even habitable. We help owners who have inherited an unwanted property, own a vacant house, are behind on payments, owe liens, downsized and can’t sell… even if the house needs repairs that you can’t pay for… and yes, even if the house is fire damaged or has rental tenants.
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Contact Info:
Buy Triad Homes
1615 Brannock Drive
Greensboro, North Carolina 27406